Adventure route to Lam Khlong Ngu national park

Lam Khlong Ngu Cave is located in Lam Khlong Ngu National Park, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province. Here, full of natural fertility, the mountains are still fully green, there are many attractions within the park. Lam Klong Ngu Ni has 4 famous caves, which are Sao Hin Cave, Nok Nang Swallow Cave, World Cup Cave, and the most beautiful among all the caves is Tham Nam Tok. Currently, some caves are not open to visitors because they have to maintain nature and safety.

There are viewpoints, waterfalls, and the most important highlight is Lam Klong Ngu Cave.
Tourism to the cave throated snake must be contacted with the park to reserve the queue before entering the cave because every day the Lam Klong Ngu National Park will limit the number of tourists who enter the cave. To make it easier to control the staff's tourists and to ensure that all tourists are treated as thoroughly as possible.

National park sign
National park sign

Lam Khlong Ngu Cave
Lam Khlong Ngu Cave

The cave in Lam Klong Ngu is a large limestone cave with a nature trail which is known as the most adventurous and challenging walk in Thailand. Along the way from the mouth of the cave to the exit, you will have to face a variety of obstacles: going through narrow caverns, climbing mountains, floating in rivers, and most thrillingly, jumping from rocky cliffs into rivers.
During the year,Lam Klong Ngu's Caves are open to visitors only during the summer (March - May) because during the rainy season there will be high water levels, which is dangerous for tourists.

During the trek, it is as beautiful as the destination
During the trek, it is as beautiful as the destination

Inside Lam Klong Ngu Cave, besides the adventure route that you will experience, there are also stalagmites and stalactites that are considered to be a miracle within the cave. And there is also a huge monolith that is the tallest in the world.

For those who are concerned about the safety of visiting Lam Klong Ngu Cave, don't worry because every point will have staff to take care of you closely with good safety equipment, whether it's a life jacket or a helmet.

Visitors must register for a trip to the cave
Visitors must register for a trip to the cave

It has become one of the most popular caves for trekkers and adventure seekers. It is also one of the examples of the development of very good tourist attractions due to the management of the tourist reception system to limit the number of tourists. Including having staff to take care of and convey the meaning thoroughly.

The most beautiful caves in Thailand
The most beautiful caves in Thailand?

It is unlikely that in the future, if every cave can manage tourism like Lam Klong Ngu Cave, you may be able to see the natural heritage of Thailand spread out to the eyes of many peoples of the world.

Preparation before coming to Lam Klong Ngu Cave : You should prepare yourself in good physical condition. Wear appropriate clothing for trekking, including shoes that fit well and can wade through the water.

Necessary equipment for a trip to Lam Klong Ngu Cave

  •  Waterproof Ocean Packs
  • A flashlight for a headband.
  •  Snacks, water, sweet water, carry enough while walking.
  •  The clothes you wear should be the ones that are very inexpensive.
  •  Very high power flashlight or spotlight.

National park entrance fee
Thai people: 40 baht for adults, 20 baht for children.
Foreigners : adults 200 baht, children 100 baht.

Contact number : 084 913 2381

Getting to Lam Klong Ngu Cave
From Bangkok to Tham Lam Klong Ngu National Park, it takes about 6 hours, 300 kilometers distance.

The agency takes a tour of the Ngu Lam Klong Cave.

You can visit Lam Klong Ngu Cave for only 4,520 baht.
click here.

Lam Khlong Ngu Cave Gallery

Stalactites in the cave Lam Klong Ngu
Stalactites in the cave

Adventure route to the cave
Adventure route to the cave

This is unseen Thailand
This is unseen Thailand

Nature travel route
Nature travel route

Well worth the trip here
Well worth the trip here

Spectacular stalactite pillars
Spectacular stalactite pillars

The second tallest stalactite in the world
The second tallest stalactite in the world

Attractions in the park
Attractions in the park

Stream in the park
Stream in the park

Campsite in Kanchanaburi
Campsite in Kanchanaburi

Rich nature
Rich nature

Beautiful waterfall
Beautiful waterfall

Rich forests in Thailand
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The park educates students
The park educates students

Sometimes you will come across rare animals
Sometimes you will come across rare animals

Thailand butterfly
Thailand butterfly

Thailand butterfly
Thailand butterfly

Thailand butterfly
Thailand butterfly

Natural attractions
Natural attractions

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