Khlong Phaibun Waterfall Thailand

Khlong Phaibun Waterfall It looks like a large waterfall that keeps flowing down with clear water. There are many small basins that are perfect for swimming. Chanthaburi Waterfall is popular with many tourists because it doesn't have to walk far and it is full of rich nature with many kinds of plants. The atmosphere is nice and cool.

I traveled to this waterfall on November 14, 2021. Klong Phaiboon Waterfall is near Krating Waterfall only 15 minutes apart and it was in my itinerary that day. It looks like a stream with large rocks. Some people might think that this is not a waterfall, but the National Park says this is a waterfall. This is a good place to take a dip because the water is not flowing strong and there are many pools for you to swim.Besides that, you will be able to enjoy the large swarms of fish which can be seen in the video I attached below. The place is quite quiet, shady, some tourists come to picnic and eat here. The waterfall is so small that most people choose to visit Namtok Phlio or Namtok Krathing. I have taken pictures and recorded video of the beautiful atmosphere of Khlong Phaiboon Waterfall for you to see.

Location :

Khlong Phaibun Waterfall in Chanthaburi Thailand

There is a bridge over the stream.

There is a large rock.

The water is clear and there are schools of fish under the water.

Khlong Phaibun Waterfall Video

Have fun.

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