Thararak Waterfall or Pha Chan Waterfall is a spectacular sight of Tak Province

Most of the time, people visiting Tak province tend to think of nature attractions that come with trekking routes. Today we will take you to see Tararak Waterfall, a place to visit in Tak.

There is a beautiful garden full of shady trees, a small reservoir with a pavilion for you to sit and enjoy the waterfront view. Then go up to see the golden pagoda located above the waterfall, it is a comfortable place to relax.

Thararak Waterfall, also known as Pha Chan Waterfall, is located in the area of Namtok Pha Charoen National Park, Mae Sot District, Tak Province. It is a natural waterfall that flows from a cliff 30 meters high and has a medium-sized reservoir to support water from the waterfall. The reservoir area has shady gardens and wooden bridges. It is a great place to relax for locals and tourists.

On the plain above the waterfall is a golden chedi enshrined in Burmese architecture, surrounded by eight pagodas. It is a sacred place where people often come to pay their respects for good fortune. There are 2 ways to get up to the chedi: you can drive around the reservoir up the hill for about 1 kilometer or the other way is to walk up the stairs and climb along the waterfall for about 30 meters. For those who are not afraid of being tired and want to immerse themselves in nature, let's walk up the hill.

In addition to the pagoda, there is also a cool, clear stream surrounded by various kinds of trees. There is no less shady. And there's also a vantage point above the waterfall, giving you a bird's-eye view of the reservoir, corn fields and the buildings surrounding the garden.

Because of its peaceful and shady atmosphere, Thararak Waterfall is like an important recreational area of ​​Mae Sot District.  Along the reservoir near the walkway, there are many waterfront pavilions located in the back to sit and enjoy the view. Some tourists bring food and drinks to sit and eat here, some go for a cool swim at the waterfall, others go for a walk and take beautiful photos on the wooden bridge that stretches between the two sides of the reservoir.

How to get to Thararak Waterfall
Pha Chan Waterfall is 2 hours and 20 minutes from Tak Airport (121 kilometers distance). can travel according to the map

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